Supporting Treasure Island
Treasure Island is a vast growing area. As a candidate running for office it's important to address specific areas with the right attention. Supporting the exciting growth of development in Treasure Island is important to attract tourism. I also want to ensure at the same time issues such as electricity outages, and addressing individuals experiencing homelessness, and other resources reach the area in a sustainable way. This is a rapid growing area with housing being built, but we must be mindful, and sensitive to not create additional hardships to those already living there.

Supporting Housing
A substantial amount of housing is being built down the pipeline in Treasure Islands, $6 billion is set to hit the Island for an upgrade. Let's ensure that those living as residents there are protected, and aren't getting pushed out.

Supporting Tourism & Small Business Growth
Small businesses, and tourism help supports the families of Treasure Island, while also providing a robust tourist experience. Ensuring that business owners have the tools they need to succeed is important to me.

Supporting Resources for lower income/middle class families, seniors, disabled, vets.
Supporting resources, and sustainable funding for programs to help our communities thrive will be one of my main concerns.